Education Aid Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting

Learnex Education has positioned itself as an independent body that monitors, evaluates and reports on aid that is targeted at improving the welfare and education of school children in Ghana and other parts of Africa. The continent of Africa receives a lot of aid from various donors, especially from the West and Asia, yet there are instances where the funds given are not used for the intended purpose or various factors lead to ineffectiveness on the ground.

Our team of Education consultants, researchers and academics possess extensive experience in relevant fields such  monitoring & evaluation, development,  policy making and project management and the like, carry out their monitoring and evaluation duties with a lot of credibility and they work in a manner  free from the control of the recipients of the aid. Their independent approach is a means of guaranteeing transparency, avoiding conflict of interests and it also acts as a protection from external interferences. This approach makes it easier to overcome challenges such as:

  • Lack of Trust existing between the donor and the recipient of the aid or lack of trust existing among a group of institutions or organization responsible for ensuring that the aid is used for its intended purpose. Consequently, Learnex Education is able to work with all stakeholders involved to provide an accurate and unbiased monitoring and evaluation report to the donor.
  • The Learnex Education team is able to navigate through bureaucratic roadblocks by relying on its extensive networks in various parts of Ghana and other regions of Africa, such that indigenes who understand the terrain, language and culture of a particular area are also involved in the process.
  • There are instances where a donor may have overestimated expectations of what is possible. In such cases the Learnex Education team offers advice based on the local, political and economic climate of a particular place so to enable the donor focus on achievable targets.
  • Learnex Education acting on its capacity as an independent monitoring and evaluation partner, enables stakeholders to avoid conflict of priorities. Our work equips donors with a unique perspective which makes it possible for donor to appropriately match their aid with the needs of the intended beneficiaries for maximum impact.

Our clients consisting of Individual donor, local and foreign Donor agencies, Multinational Companies who offer education aid as part of their corporate social responsibility, academic and faith- based organisations who offer various forms of scholarships to students or fund diverse projects in the education sector, view Learnex Education as a dependable partner in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of education aid.

 We offer:

  • Innovative approaches to challenges that may hinder effective monitoring and evaluation, which in most cases is a key requirement for receiving aid.
  • A formidable team professional who are able to harness and share their experiences competencies and capacities in order to achieve both common and complementary goals in an effective, legitimate and sustainable manner.
  • Our organization is well resourced in terms of human capital, technical knowledge, finances and logistics to be able to execute our work, adhering to the highest standards in meeting the expectations of our clients.

We engage clients and recipients of aid at various levels. We utilize interviews, review of official documents, observation, questionnaires and focus group discussions to monitor and evaluate:

  • Timelines of programmes and activities outlined by stakeholders
  • The outcomes and impact of the aid
  • How the budget for projects were handled
  • To what extent was the aid used for its intended purpose.

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