Strategic School Planning
The purpose of the strategic plan is to lay out a road map to achieve the mission and vision; moving away from being “reactive”, which is solving today’s problems towards being “proactive” – eliminating problems in the future and taking advantage of opportunities. The plan should provide a framework that enables the school to focus and coordinate its resources, work towards common goals, assess and adjust as the school moves forward, and focus the board’s priorities and inspire the staff and community. If the plan is developed properly, the process stimulates the community support and focus resources of the school’s continued development and provides a clear competitive advantage and business model aligned to the mission and inspires the school’s community. At Learnex Education, we believe that strategic planning, when done right, does not have to be frustrating, unproductive, costly, or divert the energies of the school leadership. We are positioned to help you plan well. The diagram below illustrates key elements of our planning process.